Values and Types

Scallop has a built-in set of basic value types, following Rust's naming convention. From there, we have types such as Symbol, DateTime, Entity, and Tensor, which are special types to Scallop.

i8Signed-integer, 8-bit
i16Signed-integer, 16-bit
i32Signed-integer, 32-bit
i64Signed-integer, 64-bit
i128Signed-integer, 128-bit
isizeSigned size; its size is dependent on the system
u8Unsigned-integer, 8-bit
u16Unsigned-integer, 16-bit
u32Unsigned-integer, 32-bit
u64Unsigned-integer, 64-bit
u128Unsigned-integer, 128-bit
usizeUnsigned size; its size is dependent on the system
f32Floating-point number, 32-bit
f64Floating-point number, 64-bit
StringVariable-length string
DateTimeDate and time


Integers are the most basic data-type in Scallop. If not specified, the default integer type that the system will pick is the i32 (signed integer 32-bit) type:

rel edge = {(0, 1), (1, 2)} // (i32, i32)

If an unsigned integer type is specified but a negative number is used in the declared facts, a type inference error will be raised. We demonstrate this in the sclrepl environment:

scl> type my_edge(usize, usize)
scl> rel my_edge = {(-1, -5), (0, 3)}
[Error] cannot unify types `usize` and `signed integer`, where the first is declared here
  REPL:0 | type my_edge(usize, usize)
         |              ^^^^^
and the second is declared here
  REPL:1 | rel my_edge = {(-1, -5), (0, 3)}
         |                 ^^

Primitive operations that can be used along with integers are

  • Comparators:
    • == (equality)
    • != (inequality)
    • > (greater-than)
    • >= (greater-than-or-equal-to)
    • < (less-than)
    • <= (less-than-or-equal-to)
  • Arithmetic operators:
    • + (plus)
    • - (minus/negate)
    • * (mult)
    • / (div)
    • % (mod)

All of the above operations need to operate on two integers of the same type. For instance, you cannot compare an i32 value with a usize value.

Floating Point Numbers

Floating point numbers are supported in Scallop as well. The following example shows the definition of student and their class grades:

type student_grade(name: String, class: String, grade: f32)

rel student_grade = {
  ("alice", "cse 100", 95.2),
  ("bob", "cse 100", 90.8),

It is possible derive special floating points such as inf and -inf, though we cannot declare such values directly. For the floating point that is nan (not-a-number), we will omit the whole fact from the database to maintain sanity. Specifically, the derivation of nan is treated as a failure of foreign functions, which we explain in detail here.

All the basic operations that can work on integers would be able to work for floating point numbers as well.


Scallop allows the use of boolean values (true and false).

type variable_assign(String, bool)
rel variable_assign = {("a", true), ("b", false)}

We support the following boolean operations:

  • Comparisons
    • == (equality)
    • != (inequality)
  • Logical operations
    • ! (unary negate)
    • && (binary and)
    • || (binary or)
    • ^ (binary xor)

For example, we can have the following code

rel result(a ^ b) = variable_assign("a", a) and variable_assign("b", b) // true


Scallop allows definition of characters such as 'a', '*'. They are single-quoted, and can contain escaped characters such as '\n' (new-line) and '\t' (tab).

type my_chars = {(0, 'h'), (1, 'e'), (2, 'l'), (3, 'l'), (4, 'o')}

Comparisons operations == and != are available for characters.


Scallop support variable length strings of the type String. Strings are declared using the double quote ("), and can contain escaped characters such as \n and \t.

rel greeting = {"Hello World"}

Strings can certainly be compared using == and !=. The main ways for interacting with strings are through foreign functions such as $string_length, $substring, $string_concat, and etc. Please refer to the foreign functions section for more information.


Symbols are internally registered strings. They are most commonly created through loading from external files. But they can still be specified using the s-quoted-string notation:

rel symbols = {s"NAME", s"AGE", s"GENDER"}

DateTime and Duration

DateTime and Duration are natively supported data structures by Scallop. We commonly specify DateTime and Duration using their string form. In the following example, we specify the DateTime values using the t-quoted-string notation (t represents time):

rel event_dates = {("enroll", t"2020-01-01"), ("finish", t"2020-03-01")}

The dates will be all transformed into UTC time-zone. When the date part is specified and the time is not specified, we will fill the time 00:00:00 UTC. When the time is specified but the date is not, we will use the current date when the program is invoked. Any reasonable date-time format are acceptable, common ones include

  • t"2019-11-29 08:08:05-08"
  • t"4/8/2014 22:05"
  • t"September 17, 2012 10:09am"
  • t"2014/04/2 03:00:51"
  • t"2014年04月08日"

Durations can be specified using the d-quoted-string notation (d represents duration):

rel event_durations = {("e1", d"12 days"), ("e2", d"15 days 20 seconds")}

The string can contain numbers followed by their units. When specifying durations, the following units are accepted:

  • nanoseconds (n)
  • microseconds (usecs)
  • milliseconds (msecs)
  • seconds (secs)
  • minutes (m)
  • hours (h)
  • days (d)
  • weeks (w)
  • months (M)
  • years (y)

We can operate between Duration and DateTime using simple operations such as + and -:

  • DateTime + Duration ==> DateTime
  • Duration + Duration ==> Duration
  • DateTime - DateTime ==> Duration
  • DateTime - Duration ==> DateTime
  • Duration - Duration ==> Duration


Entity values are 64-bit unsigned integers created through hashing. They are used to represent pointers of created entities. They cannot be directly created. Rather, they are managed by Scallop through the creation of entities. For example,

type List = Nil() | Cons(i32, List)
const MY_LIST = Cons(1, Cons(2, Nil()))
rel input_list(MY_LIST)
query input_list

The result is then

input_list: {(entity(0x4cd0d9e6652cdfc7))}

Please refer to this section for more informaiton on algebraic data types and entities.

Type Conversions

In Scallop, types can be converted using the as operator. For example, we can have

rel numbers = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5}
rel num_str(n as String) = numbers(n)

to derive the numbers to be {"1", "2", "3", "4", "5"}. In general, we can have all numbers castable to each other. We also have every type being castable to String. For converting String to other types, it undergoes a parsing process. When the parsing does not go through, no result will be returned.