Reference Guide

We list all the language features supported by Scallop.

Import Files

import "path/to/other/file.scl"

Type Definition

Type Alias Definition

type ObjectId = usize

Sub-Type Definition

type Name <: String

Enum Type Definition

type Action = LEFT | RIGHT | UP | DOWN

Algebraic Data Type Definition

type Expr = Const(i32) | Add(Expr, Expr) | Sub(Expr, Expr)

Relation Type Definition

type edge(x: i32, y: i32)

Constant Definition

const PI: f32 = 3.1415

Relation Definition

Fact Definition

rel edge(1, 2)

Set-of-Tuples Definition

rel edge = {(1, 2), (2, 3), (3, 4)}

Rule Definition

rel path(a, b) = edge(a, b) or path(a, c) and edge(c, b)

Disjunctive Head

rel { assign(v, false); assign(v, true) } = variable(v)


fib(x - 1, y)


rel has_no_child(p) = person(p) and not father(p, _) and not mother(p, _)


rel number(0)
rel number(i + 1) = number(i) and i < 10


rel person = {"alice", "bob", "christine"}
rel num_people(n) = n := count(p: person(p))

Foreign Predicate

rel grid(x, y) = range<i32>(0, 5, x) and range<i32>(0, 5, y)

Query Definition

query path