
Scallop supports negation to be attached to atoms to form negations. In the following example, we are trying to obtain the set of people with no children:

rel person = {"bob", "alice", "christine"} // There are three persons of interest
rel father = {("bob", "alice")}            // Bob is Alice's father
rel mother = {("alice", "christine")}      // Alice is Christine's mother

rel has_no_child(n) = person(n) and not father(n, _) and not mother(n, _)

The last rule basically says that if there is a person n who is neither anyone's father nor anyone's mother then the person n has no child. This is indeed what we are going to obtain:

has_no_child: {("christine",)}

It is clear that negations are very helpful in writing such kind of the rules. However, there are many restrictions on negations. We explain in detail such restrictions.

Negation and Variable Grounding

If we look closely to the rule of has_no_child above, we will find that there is an atom person(n) being used in the body. Why can't we remove it and just say "if one is neither father nor mother then the one has no child"?

rel has_no_child(n) = not father(n, _) and not mother(n, _) // Error: variable `n` is not grounded

The problem is with variable grounding. For the variable n to be appeared in the head, there is no positive atom that grounds it. All we are saying are what n is not, but not what n is. With only "what it is not", it could be literally anything else in the world.

Therefore, we need to ground it with a positive atom such as person(n). With this rule, we have basically

Stratified Negation

Expanding upon our definition of dependency graph, if a predicate occurs in a negative atom in a body, we say that the predicate of the rule head negatively depends on this predicate. For example, the above has_no_child example has the following dependency graph. Notice that we have marked the positive (pos) and negative (neg) on each edge:

person <--pos-- has_no_child --neg--> father
                      +-----neg-----> mother

Scallop supports stratified negation, which states that there is never a loop in the dependency graph which involves a negative dependency edge. In other words, if there exists such a loop, the program will be rejected by the Scallop compiler. Consider the following example:

rel is_true() = not is_true() // Rejected

The relation is_true negatively depends on the relation is_true itself, making it a loop containing a negative dependency edge. The error message would show that this program "cannot be stratified". If we draw the dependency graph of this program, it look like the following:

is_true <---+
   |        |

Since there is a loop (is_true -> is_true) and the loop contains a negative edge, this program cannot be stratified.

The reason that stratified negation is named such way is that, if there is no negative dependency edge in a loop, the whole dependency can be decomposed in to strongly connected components, where inside of each strongly connected component (SCC), there is no negative dependency. In other words, the negation has been stratified, so that the negative edge can only happen between SCCs. We call each SCC a stratum, and the collection of them a strata. Any non-recursive program has a dependency graph forming a Directed Acyclic Graph (DAG), and is therefore always stratifiable.

The following program, although containing both negation and recursion, can be stratified:

rel path(a, b) = edge(a, b) and not sanitized(b)
rel path(a, c) = path(a, b) and edge(b, c) and not sanitized(b)

For it, the following dependency graph can be drawn:

sanitized <--neg-- path <----+
                   |  |      |
     edge <--pos---+  +--pos-+

In this program, we have three SCCs (or strata):

  • Stratum 1: {edge}
  • Stratum 2: {sanitized}
  • Stratum 3: {path}

Negative dependency only occurs between stratum 2 and 3. Therefore, the program can be accepted.